The iPhone Case Saved My Child

The iPhone Case Saved My Child

I have a tween daughter.  If you have a tween son or daughter, I’m sure you understand the pain.  And if you have a female tween you CAN REALLY relate.  This child of mine is always complaining about not having easy access to...
One Sure Way I Make Money While Shopping Online

One Sure Way I Make Money While Shopping Online

  My family LOVES shopping online.  After we moved to Japan a few years ago, we kind of relied on it A LOT!  I had to find a way to save money while shopping online cause, of course, I still wanted to put a few coins back in my pocket....
I Love My New Kitchen Gadget The Instant Pot

I Love My New Kitchen Gadget The Instant Pot

  I can do a little something, something in the kitchen from time to time, but I’m NO CHEF!  I leave all that fancy cooking and baking to Procrastination Jonz. I love my new kitchen gadget! It blends in with my growing...
My Husband And His Breakfast Bars

My Husband And His Breakfast Bars

This is wrong of me in so many ways, but I have to share.  DadJonz wakes up at the crack of dawn Monday thru Friday to workout.  After he finishes his workout, he heads to the kitchen to start our coffee (I’m not allowed to make coffee...