Get That Shower Sparkling

Get That Shower Sparkling

I wanna try something new.  Let’s just call it MomJonz short and sweet blog posts.  The purpose of this is to answer any question from readers, friends or random things I see posted on social media.  The burning questions...
Make Self-Care Your Goal

Make Self-Care Your Goal

If you haven’t made your 2018 resolution or goal, I have one for you.  Let it be to take better care of yourself.  That’s right, make SELF-CARE your #1 GOAL this year. Believe it or not, you are not getting any younger. ...
We All Need A Reminder Sometimes

We All Need A Reminder Sometimes

I woke up this morning a bit earlier because I told my hubby I was going to work out with him.  But I just couldn’t let go of that bed at 4:30 a.m.  I rolled right back over and went back to sleep.  I woke up as I usually do...