by Jasmine Jones | Nov 2, 2020 | Empowering Women, Family, Parenting
It’s exhausting being the smartest, prettiest, and overall best sister. That’s really all I have to say. I am the oldest of three while being the best. I can only imagine how my sisters feel trying to reach my level. I actually...
by MomJonz | Sep 8, 2020 | Education, Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Parenting
Distance learning is in full effect for the school year 2020-2021. We started distance learning today, September 8. Once it was confirmed that our school year would begin 100% online, I swore up and down to my husband that our teenagers would NOT set up shop in their...
by MomJonz | Sep 8, 2020 | Coffee Chats, Empowering Women
Mamas and Coffee® hosts Coffee Chats every Friday in their Facebook group. These LIVES are where individuals can sign up and chat about life. It’s REAL, RAW, and RANDOM. But oh, so fun. Let’s Introduce Our Coffee Chat...
by MomJonz | Aug 31, 2020 | Education, Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Parenting
Distance learning is happening this year. It’s 2020, the school year of COIVD-19, and many kids are heading back to school online. As a matter of fact, some have already started. Our kids have not. Our school system delayed the start of the year by a couple of...
by MomJonz | Aug 10, 2020 | Coffee Chats, Empowering Women
Mamas and Coffee® hosts Coffee Chats every Friday in their Facebook group. These LIVES are where individuals can sign up and chat about life. It’s REAL, RAW, and RANDOM. But oh, so fun. Let’s Introduce Our Coffee Chat...
by Mamas and Coffee® | Jul 29, 2020 | Empowering Women, Life, Life As Navy Military Family
Over the last year, the quote “When Women support each other incredible things happen” has become a quote that I say several times a day and live by. I promote that quote daily to over 4,000 women from all around the world. My name is Elizabeth Simmons. I...