That First Kiss

That First Kiss

To know me, we must begin back in elementary school. I wouldn’t say my family was colorblind, as this trend and talking point only recently gained the national spotlight. I would, however, say that my family didn’t feel that...
Be Proud Of You!

Be Proud Of You!

It’s ok to be proud of yourself and shout it from the mountain tops! Don’t feel that you should be ashamed of your accomplishments (no matter how small or large) or where you came from. We tell our kids to be proud of themselves, but do we realize how much...
Do You Know Your Neighbors

Do You Know Your Neighbors

Do you know your neighbors?  Do you speak to your neighbors?  As a child, I remember my mom chatting it up with our neighbors.  They would chat in the yard, head to the porch and even head inside to sit on the couch to relax and...