Kids Do NOT Listen

Kids Do NOT Listen

Don’t feel alone wondering if your child(ren) ever listens to you.  Or better yet, wondering if they think before they act? OMG! For the life of me, my three live on planet Pluto.  Wait, Pluto is no longer considered a planet....
A Parent’s Guide to Which Spiders Are Dangerous

A Parent’s Guide to Which Spiders Are Dangerous

I was looking after my two nieces about a month ago while their parents went out on date night. We were innocently dressing up their dolls when a grotesque spider came scurrying out from under the clothes bin. Just as I always do when I see a spider, I screamed and...
My Favorite Grocery App That Helps Me Save

My Favorite Grocery App That Helps Me Save

A few years ago I refused to use coupons or any phone saving apps during grocery shopping;  that all changed after moving to Japan.  We shopped at the commissary, but I still needed to find ways to cut our expenses a bit.  This gal...