Kids Do NOT Listen

Kids Do NOT Listen

Don’t feel alone wondering if your child(ren) ever listens to you.  Or better yet, wondering if they think before they act? OMG! For the life of me, my three live on planet Pluto.  Wait, Pluto is no longer considered a planet....
Finding My People

Finding My People

If you live in the same place for years, you may or may not understand this story, but I gotta share it anyway. I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that we are a Navy family, this means we move every couple of years.  Besides the stress of moving,...
Join This Simple Self-Care Challenge

Join This Simple Self-Care Challenge

  Do you rip and run like a maniac most days?  I see you shaking your head and laughing.  It’s ok, most people do.  For some reason, we feel we must always be busy from sun up to sun down. No!  Stop it!...