by Mamas and Coffee® | Aug 14, 2017 | Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Home, Life, Life As Navy Military Family, Love
Intro: About 2 years ago I wrote out my entire testimony about how the Lord had brought me through the tragedy of rape; through the waters of infertility and then through the crushing financial time of filing bankruptcy and being where I am today. Recently we did a...
by MomJonz | Aug 11, 2017 | Empowering Women, Family, Home, Life
We are all tuned into social media with the ease of sending invites and doing a blanket Thank You to everyone on a list, but do you remember the days of receiving that hand written note or card in the mail? Â The smile the card put on your face...
by MomJonz | Aug 7, 2017 | Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Self-Esteem
Denim is a classic. Â I mean, you CAN’T go wrong with having denim in your family’s wardrobe. Â I also know that finding a great pair of jeans, cute skirt or dress can also be very difficult and pricey for growing kids. Â I...
by MomJonz | Jul 30, 2017 | Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Life, Self-Esteem
As you see in my header, I have natural big curly hair.  It always seems to strike up a conversation with curious people.  I chuckle whenever someone tries to ask me questions about my hair (they always seem to be a bit nervous)....
by MomJonz | Jul 26, 2017 | Empowering Women, Family, Home
I scream, you scream, we all scream “IT’S BACK-TO-SCHOOL time!” Â Yes, I love summer vacation and being home with the kiddos, but I also love when everyone packs up and heads out the door for a few hours each day. Â Carlos and I...
by Mamas and Coffee® | Jul 21, 2017 | Empowering Women, Family, Life, Life As Navy Military Family
Before I had children traveling was part of my military service. One week here and another week somewhere else. I was able to see beautiful places only people dream of. I was a paid traveler in a sense. Now that my husband and I retired our Dixie hats and decided to...