by Mamas and Coffee® | Sep 12, 2017 | Empowering Youth, Family, Home, Life, Pets, Self-Esteem
Every little boy and girl dreams of having a pet of their own to cuddle with and play with. Whether it’s a dog, a cat, or a lizard, every child at some point in their life yearns for their own pet. We all remember the devastation as a young child when you’d ask...
by MomJonz | Sep 8, 2017 | Education, Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family
What is education? Â I know this seems like a strange question for some, but I think it’s important to discuss and ensure you know where I’m coming from for future posts. What Is Education When I speak of education, I speak from the meaning of...
by MomJonz | Sep 5, 2017 | Empowering Women, Family, Life, Life As Navy Military Family, Love
This is great if you’re married, engaged or want to be married one day. This is the best advice given to me and the best advice I can give as a happily married woman to another woman that wants to be happily married one day. And yes, I added HAPPILY cause some...
by MomJonz | Aug 25, 2017 | Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Home, Life, Love, Self-Esteem
Dear people, this is new and out of my comfort zone. Â But when you know you’ve been pushed along to share your story you must obey and do so. So here goes…. Â I hope this starts a new conversation between you and I. Â I...
by Mamas and Coffee® | Aug 22, 2017 | Empowering Women, Life
Learning how to play a musical instrument is an incredibly fulfilling task, but it can also be an incredibly daunting one, especially if you didn’t grow up playing music. That’s why a lot of us want to have our children study...
by MomJonz | Aug 17, 2017 | Empowering Women, Family, Home, Life
Summer is full of celebrations and people getting older and wiser in this house.  When people say time flies when you’re having fun, it does. As we get ready to celebrate birthdays, it made me think back to all of the baby store...