by MomJonz | Nov 30, 2018 | Empowering Women, Life, Pets
. Let’s welcome December. November flew by and this year is going by even faster. As we enter the hustle and bustle season, I hope each of you takes some time for yourself. Nope, don’t even start with the excuses. The goal for 2019 (the goal is now for...
by MomJonz | Nov 26, 2018 | Empowering Women, Life
Are you shopping this Cyber Monday? There will be a lot of great deals happening across the web, and we all want to ensure we are getting the best deals and saving as much as possible. Now, I won’t lie. When I shop on Cyber...
by MomJonz | Nov 20, 2018 | Empowering Women, Life, Life As Navy Military Family
We moved to D.C. with me kicking and screaming because I didn’t want to leave Hawaii. One of my good friends told me to think about the bright side of the move. Hmmmm….bright side of leaving beautiful weather year round to move to...
by MomJonz | Nov 14, 2018 | Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Self-Esteem
Are you looking for fun and energizing music to have children listen to and bless their life? Enter to win or purchase a DVD filled with Children’s Worship songs to teach and touch the heart of your child. I had the pleasure of working...
by Sponsored | Nov 12, 2018 | Empowering Women, Life
Image Credit: Pexels With the holidays right around the corner, you might find yourself looking into personal training services to work off any extra winter weight. If you’ve never worked with a personal trainer before, it...
by MomJonz | Nov 9, 2018 | Empowering Women, Life, Life As Navy Military Family
Veterans Day is November 11. Veterans Day honors military personnel who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It falls on a Sunday this year but will be observed by the government Monday, November 12. Some...