The Importance of Continuing To Date Your Spouse

The Importance of Continuing To Date Your Spouse

Continuing to build a healthy relationship When you’ve been with your significant other for some time you start to settle into a routine. After you have kids that seems to make the stress on the relationship even greater. Once those routines are set in stone, it...
The Blessings Of Unity By Richard T. Case

The Blessings Of Unity By Richard T. Case

  The day is still fresh in my mind.  It was a rainy March 30, 2002, when I said, “I do.  I do in sickness and health, till death do us part.”  14 years later, we are still going strong, and I love DadJonz more each...
I Love You But I Don’t Always Like You

I Love You But I Don’t Always Like You

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Oh, DadJonz is on one today.  I just told him, “I love you, but I don’t always like you!” My husband is my sound of reason, but sometimes I just need him to nod and smile.  Just nod and smile...