Games For Mystery Lovers

Games For Mystery Lovers

Everyone loves a good mystery. Whether it’s reading a whodunit like an Agatha Christie novel, watching a murder mystery movie or watching a cold case story on television, mystery is a part of culture. So, when it comes to games and entertainment,...
Don’t You Do It

Don’t You Do It

School is almost out for the summer. Kids are excited about sleeping in and not having homework. We’re excited too, but know that at week two we’ll be ready to send everyone back to school. So, what do we do as parents to keep the kids from driving us...
Dixie Cups Man!

Dixie Cups Man!

Photo credit: Photo by William Stitt on Unsplash Learning to be a father and husband is a real struggle.  Trying to figure yourself out while you are trying to figure out the women you love is a real confusing time....