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A bunch of fireworks are in the sky over water

It’s a new year, and as many people make resolutions to make lifestyle changes, get out of debt, spend time with loved ones and just overall be a better them, I sit and make goals on spending more time with God and myself.  Yes, this year is going to be all about ME!  It’s all about making and keeping a change that we all need; a self-love resolution!

Yes, I just said it.  I said it’s going to be about ME.  The year to truly evaluate me and my purpose in life.  And you should do the same.

You see, my goal for this year is straightforward.  It’s actually summed up in six simple words.  Six simple words that mean what we preach to our children, but we don’t practice it.  I’m a do as I say mother, but some things must be taught by example.  This self-love resolution is one of them.  I’ve preached it for years, and I practice it for the most part.  Those who know me personally already know this gal LOVES herself.  But this gal has also struggled with these words in years past.

Over the years I’ve apologized for who I am and tried hiding the love I have for myself.  Why?  Because others tend to see it as conceded or confrontational because you have self-pride, will speak up when you feel wronged or because of you just plain and simple, loving yourself.  Hmmm….you should love yourself.  Don’t ever, ever apologize for it. 

Make A Self-Love Resolution

We work way too hard being 50 other people for others that we forget who we are.  We don’t know ourselves nor what we like. We stop loving who we are because we constantly compare our life, our marriage, our finances, our parenting, etc. to the next person.  It’s a never-ending cycle.  And you know what?  It’s not fair.  It’s not fair to you.  It’s not fair that you work so hard to be someone you’re not just to please others.  You know, those others who aren’t for you in the first place.

A white background with red hearts and the words " know you be you love you ".

So as we start this new year, I want you to look in the mirror every day and say those six simple words.  Remember who you are and what makes you the best person in the world.

Make this year about finding yourself and your happiness.  Naw, that doesn’t mean you stop taking care of your home or helping others.  No, no.  MomJonz didn’t say that.  But I do think many of us need a little reminder about knowing ourselves, being ourselves and loving ourselves.

Make this year about finding and loving YOU!  Happy New Year and have a wonderful year!

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