April 17th, 2021, started as a typical Saturday for me. I did my normal routine.
Wake up
Say my morning prayers
Mess with my husband
Grab my phone to check Facebook
Roll out of the bed
Give my long lecture to the kids to get their chores done before they head out for the day
I got dressed and took my middle daughter to her horse-riding team practice. Sat at the stables for three hours. I always sat in the car chatting with family and friends on the phone. I’m not a horse person. I always joke that I just write the check. I know nothing about horses. After the lesson, we drove home. After arriving home, I went upstairs to shower and started getting ready for a night out.
Nothing Was Different About the Day
I’ve played that day over and over, but there was absolutely NOTHING different.
Hubby and I were heading to his farewell party. My husband is active duty Navy. He was reporting to his new duty station in California in May. The girls and I were staying in Virginia until June.
After my shower, I laid down briefly, but that wasn’t anything out of the norm. I was going out (social distancing) and knew we would be out past my bedtime of 8:30 PM. As we walked out the door, I told the girls, “Love You and see ya later,” and reminded our eldest of her curfew. She was 16 at the time and was going out with her softball team.
We arrived at the location. I was ready to party! We took some pictures, and I was ME – Laughing and having a good time. Nothing was off. I felt fine. I remember eating, drinking a beer, and running my mouth; I have the gift of gab folks. Then everyone’s voice started to get faint. I couldn’t see anything. I felt someone close to me and could hear my name repeated, but I couldn’t answer. I couldn’t see anyone. I felt trapped, and then suddenly, everything was blank.
My husband wasn’t sitting at the same table. When the people sitting next to me noticed the slurred speech and the lack of eye contact, they immediately got my husband’s attention, who came over and saw the droop to the left side of my face and my body go limp. He immediately called 911.
Before we moved, I visited with everyone in attendance that night. It was a special reunion for sure. They shared what they saw happening that night. One thing stood out to me. They said I was signing with my right hand, that it was like I was asking for help. I know I’m blessed to be here today—sharing my testimony and story.
Please take a moment to watch the video. I recorded this video in May as I wanted to begin sharing my testimony, journey and bring awareness. Continue to visit my blog or connect with me on social media as I continue sharing my testimony, journey and bringing awareness. You can also read this article written by Inova Hospital and hear from the surgeons who saved my life.
My stroke wasn’t health-related; it was caused by an uncommon condition, Â Coratid Webbing. I will talk more about this in future articles and videos.

- When the Glue Needs a Break: Letting Go and Checking In on Yourself - February 15, 2025
- Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy: Keep Your Positive Light Shining Bright - July 20, 2024
- Beyond the To-Do List: Mamas, Claim Your 15 Minutes of Bliss! - March 12, 2024