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A close up of a box of crayons

I scream, you scream, we all scream “IT’S BACK-TO-SCHOOL time!”  Yes, I love summer vacation and being home with the kiddos, but I also love when everyone packs up and heads out the door for a few hours each day.  Carlos and I can sit quietly on the couch without hearing, “Mommy, she’s talking to me.”  “Mommy, what are we doing today?”  “Mommy, I don’t want to go anywhere today.”  They know not to say, “Mommy, I’m bored!” Back-to-school also means some new back-to-school gear. Wait, do people still say they are getting some new gear?  Boy, I’m old.  Anywho, let me share my saga of back-to-school clothes shopping with Fashion Diva Girl.  LAWD!

Back-To-School Shopping With Fashion Diva Girl Can Blow A Budget

Look, I don’t have to say much, you can probably already imagine how it goes just with her name.  This girl can shop!  Budgets go out the window with her, and I end up leaving the mall or even online shopping with a headache.  So, here I am shopping with this gal and as we click, click, click I’m saying to myself (yes, I was talking to myself), “do NOT let her convince you that she NEEDS one more skirt!”

Rainbow Star Skirt For your Diva's Back-to-school wardrobe

Go ahead, Click and Shop back-to-school clothes for girls – affiliate link

I go in with a game plan of purchasing several mix and match outfits.  You know, get the biggest bang for my buck!  You already know back-to-school shopping for supplies can add up quickly and now add back-to-school shopping for clothes to the mix.  Well, if you have a Diva or a Gentleman in your house Shop Gymboree’s Back to School Collection!  Save yourself some cash!  Save yourself some time and shop on line with the convenience of delivery.

Don’t Forget To Accessorize Your Back-To-School Clothes For Girls

We all know accessories can take any outfit from ok, to wow!  Well, if you didn’t know this, you do now.  Fashion Diva Girl practices this to the fullest level with her entire wardrobe.  Homegirl will accessorize some gym clothes to turn them into this glam outfit that will make you turn your head a few times.

Pineapple Necklace

Go ahead, Click and Shop back-to-school clothes for girls – affiliate link

She supports Stacy’s, and Clinton’s motto of everything doesn’t need to match, it just needs to go.  I used to cringe at some of the things she put together, but she always rocks it, and it owns.  And it looks GOOD once it’s all together.

Keeping Your Kid Looking Like A Kid In Their Back-To-School Clothes

If you’ve never shopped at Gymboree, let me tell you why I like it.  DadJonz and I started shopping at Gymboree when Procrastination Jonz was born.  We both loved their cute little dresses to dress her up like a little baby doll.  WHHAAATTTT??!!!  Yes, we were that kind of first-time parents.

We believe kids should dress and act like children.  Call us old fashion, but a child should be a child.  They should be outdoors playing, using manners, being seen and not heard unless spoken to or in turn. Don’t be all up in grown folks conversations and don’t dress like a 25-year-old when they are only 6.

Gymboree has been around for over 30 years with clothing geared to boys and girls between newborn and 12 years old.

What’s Your #KIDGOALS This School Year

Don’t forget to set some goals this year.  I know the stress of back-to-school shopping, open house, bus schedules, childcare, etc. is a bit overwhelming right now.  But take a few minutes and set some goals for yourself, your kids, your home and ask your kid to set a few goals.

So, I asked Fashion Diva Girl what some of her goals are this year.  I recommended one to her, USE THOSE MATH SKILLS.  The minuend minus the subtrahend is the difference.  In other words, when I tell you that you can spend x amount, you need to subtract from that greater number for each purchase.  Good LAWD CHILD, SHOPPING WITH YOU BLOWS A  BUDGET!  GET A J-O-B! 

Her #kidgoal is to practice her division facts and to continue to be Fashion Diva Girl!  I LOVE it.  Work hard and continue to be YOURSELF!  Rock on girlfriend!

Oh, One Last Thing About Shopping Gymboree Back-To-School Clothes Online

Let’s close this thing on out cause I have two more kids to shop for.  They are a tween and teen and let me tell you, that’s a whole other story within itself.  So, tell me, what are some of your #kidsgoals this year?  Have you started your back-to-school clothes shopping?

Free Shipping over $75 at Gymboree.   Don’t wait, go ahead and grab these deals now and watch your child strut their stuff!  And yes, they have boy clothes, I just don’t have boys to share a story about.  Yep, I”m going to drop the mic and bow on out!

Shop Gymboree Online

Go ahead, Click and Shop back-to-school clothes for girls – affiliate link

MomJonz was paid for this post and will receive a small commission when you purchase via the shared links.  So, yes.  Go ahead click and shop. This chick has to feed and clothe her children, grab a few stylish shoes for herself, make sure DadJonz has his coffee and Carlos receive his royal treatment.  Thanks for the love and support.  Even if you don’t shop, give this post a quick share.  

Be You, Know You, Love You,


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