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A person sitting at a table with an open book.
Summer break has begun or quickly approaching for many students. Don’t allow your child to encounter the dreaded summer slide educators talk about at the beginning of each year.  Let’s avoid the summer learning loss for your child!
Parents often ask for suggestions to help their children during the summer.  So, here’s a few simple things I recommend:

  • Practice Math Facts – Use flashcards for this.  Summer is a great time to work on speed
  • Workbooks – I love SummerBridge Workbooks.  Lessons are broken up into days, and this allows for some independent learning.  They are also available for Pk – 8th grade
  • Spelling Words – You can find several FREE sites with grade leveled lists.
  • Read – It doesn’t matter what your child wants to read.  Just. Have. Them. READ!  Each of my kids selects a book for summer reading.

How Much Time Should Your Child Spend On Academics During The Summer

The amount of time you want or amount of time your child needs to practice a particular academic area is a case by case matter.  I try to have my children work on something educational for one hour a day.  The time includes them reading each day and working in their SummerBridge workbook. I also sit with each of them to work on any weak areas they may have.  I always contact their teacher toward the end of the year asking for feedback on identified weak areas. Regardless of how well your child is doing in class, there are areas they can improve.

Don’t Stress Over Summer Learning

Don’t stress over summer learning.  Summer break should be fun for your child.  If they begin to become frustrated, pull back. You have all day to learn.
We do all academics first thing in the morning.  Usually, by the 2nd week, my kids get straight to it once they wake up.  It’s easier to knock the workbook pages out first thing and have the rest of the day to do whatever. This year I’m sure it will be playing kickball.  They set up kickball tournaments that NEVER end.  lol
A girl sitting at her desk writing in a notebook.

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Summer Work During Vacation

When we go on vacation, we are on vacation.  This mama doesn’t want to worry about packing flashcards, books, etc.  When we go to grandparents’ house, we do pack these items.  We usually spend two weeks visiting; therefore, we have plenty of time to do something.  Also, we are just relaxing. They usually only work a few days out of the week, but they still get something done.  As for heading to the beach, amusement park, etc., I do not pack educational items.  Why?  There’s so much to explore, and they learn as we explore.  They are reading signs, buying things, so they are using reading and math skills right there.
My little bonus lesson is the return home.  The girls must write about their vacation.  Yep, this gets them every time.  You would think my eldest (11) would know by now.  By doing this, they must recall and retell facts.  I don’t want to read about every little detail of their fun; I just want the meat; give me good, detailed highlights.  It’s also a great way for us to learn what our kids really enjoy doing.

The Most Important Goal

The primary goal during the kids’ summer is to enjoy it!  Get out and have some fun with your child(ren).  Through your exploring and laughter, you will incorporate some learning.  Take a little time each day to hone in on skills they may have struggled in during the school year.  I promise it will help ease the upcoming school year.
Know you, Be You, Love You
This post was originally posted on Preschool2teen June 2016.  I am combining my efforts of A Moms Blog and Preschool2Teen here at Mamas and Coffee.  Be sure to sign up to receive the latest posts hot off the presses.  

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