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A group of people sitting around a table with bowls.

Friends Enjoying Ice Cream – A Mom’s Blog

We all have friends growing up as children, but what changes as we become adults?  Does it seem like you have less REAL friendships or is it that we become more selective for whom we allow in our lives?

Over the next few weeks or maybe even months, I want to share some of my personal stories about friendships.  Some may make you laugh and may make you cry.  One thing for certain, one will make you analyze your relationships with others in your life.

Before we begin this series, I’m going to ask each of you reading this to give a call, text, email, etc. to that one friend that’s important to you and let them know how much you appreciate them.


Many times we take our friends for granted without even realizing we are doing so.  Everyone loves to be recognized from time to time.  Be sure to let that friend know you appreciate them for being them.

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