by Mamas and Coffee® | Aug 13, 2023 | Education, Empowering Youth, Family, Parenting
Every child is unique and develops at their own pace and in their own way. It’s no wonder that one-size-fits-all schooling falls short for many students. Early education may have a long-term impact on the direction of their life, and this is only growing more...
by MomJonz | Aug 3, 2023 | Education, Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Parenting
Congratulations! Your little one has embarked on their academic journey, and homework is now part of your daily routine. Homework in kindergarten may seem like a small task, but it can still be overwhelming for you and your child. Don’t worry; I’ve got you...
by MomJonz | Sep 8, 2020 | Education, Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Parenting
Distance learning is in full effect for the school year 2020-2021. We started distance learning today, September 8. Once it was confirmed that our school year would begin 100% online, I swore up and down to my husband that our teenagers would NOT set up shop in their...
by MomJonz | Aug 31, 2020 | Education, Empowering Women, Empowering Youth, Family, Parenting
Distance learning is happening this year. It’s 2020, the school year of COIVD-19, and many kids are heading back to school online. As a matter of fact, some have already started. Our kids have not. Our school system delayed the start of the year by a couple of...
by Mamas and Coffee® | Jun 24, 2019 | Education, Empowering Youth, Uncategorized
“It is shameful that there are so few women in science…There is a misconception in America that women scientists are all dowdy spinsters. This is the fault of men.”                             ...