Are you wondering how you can get your child to practice and master basic math facts? Â As we quickly approach summer vacation, our kids begin to feel the burn of learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division facts. Attitudes are flaring. We lose patience with them. Â Heck, we just want to throw in the towel. Â Don’t give up. Â Take an extra 10 minutes each day and practice basic math facts with these fun keys.
Let me help you out with a suggestion.
Learning Wrap-Ups Practice Basic Math Facts
I was introduced to these little keys several years ago by a teacher. Â I was looking for a way to help my daughter practice her multiplication facts, but not using the good ole fashion flashcards. Â Not saying I don’t use flashcards cause I do, but I wanted her to have a way to practice alone and without cheating. Â
Our focus was to work on accuracy and speed. Â I placed an order for the multiplication set only. Â I am usually the person that dives straight in and order the entire set, but my husband stopped that finger. His recommendation was to see how our daughter liked them. Â So, we went with the one set of multiplication keys.
As time went on, I decided to purchase the addition, subtraction, and division sets. Â The addition and subtraction came in handy for my youngest one in kindergarten learning those basic addition facts.
Yeah, I should’ve purchased the set from the beginning.
Independent Learning Time
I am a firm believer in independent learning time. Â I believe kids should learn to work independently at an early age. Â Trust me, this comes in handy in the classroom setting, and teachers will love you for it. Â
When a child is first learning math facts, of course, a parent or older sibling should sit with them.
That is one of my FAVORITE things about the wrap-ups. Â Your child can sit at the table practicing as you cook dinner. Â Or maybe they want to relax on the couch and go through 2-3 keys. Â The math wrap-ups do not require your participation. Â
I love being able to tend to dinner while the kids practice basic math facts.  Plus, it keeps me from getting worked up. Yes. It’s normal for you to get frustrated when working with your child.
We use the math wrap-up keys as a warm session before homework begins.
Learning Wrap-Ups For Fine Motor Skills For Little Hands
Think about getting two for one.
Fine motor skills are something our children must practice. Â We watch them learn to pick items up, use their fingers and wrists. Â Well, guess what the wrap-ups do? Â That’s right! Â They also help with motor skills.
As your child calculates the math facts, he/she will grab and wrap the string around a key. There are grooves that the string wraps into. Â It’s ideal for some hand/eye coordination practice.
Wrap – Up The Keys
Education is important. Â We will learn for the rest of our lives, so why not find ways to help your child enjoy learning.
We just had a conversation with our daughter the other day about Algebra.
She wanted to know why she needed it. According to her, she already knows the basics and can calculate her bills and income when she gets older. Hubby and I just sat back listening to her talk. Â We didn’t respond (sometimes you just have to let them talk and give them the blank stare).
Fast forward to a couple of days later. Â We were cleaning the kitchen after dinner, and she started talking about why she WILL need Algebra later in life. Â Again, I gave her the blank stare and let her talk. Â She reminded me how she felt about basic math years prior (like she’s so old now, lol), but she now realizes the importance of basic math. Â She told me that she’s able to quickly calculate things she wants to purchase in the store, as well as being able to reduce the stress of what comes next as she calculates Algebraic expressions.
Yeah, took my pat on the back that very moment.
Mom and dad, they do listen.
Mom and dad, help your child work hard and have a bit of fun and independence as they soar. You can practice basic math facts with your child. Â Make a game out of it. Â And oh, we need to brush up sometimes too.
A little encouragement, hard work, and dedication will go a long way. Â Give your child the tools they need to soar. Be their biggest cheerleader, and help them practice basic math facts. Â Be there to listen to them, just be present in their day and lives.

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This has been a struggle for my younger girls. We practice all the time.
Practice is key for sure.