The temperatures dropped, and my entire family went into shock. Our bodies aren’t ready for this chilly weather. I guess we adapted to Hawaii temperatures more than I thought. MomJonz has the nerve to think I’m going to keep my butt in my bed on the floor. Woof NO! I kindly hinted to her that I needed a blanket, sweater, and jacket. She kept saying that dogs have fur and don’t need a sweater. Well, she has a big old head of hair, but she still puts the hood to her coat on when she walks out the door in the morning. Darn Humans! She needs to buy me some cute dog sweaters to keep warm this winter.
MomJonz is always telling the girls to keep me combed, brushed and wiped down. Clean my face, paws, and butt every night before bed.
I’m NEVER allowed on the furniture at my house but was allowed on one chair while staying with my grandparents. Of course, I pushed that beyond the chair. Grandparents let you do anything you want! You know you’re spoiled when papa lets you sit in his chair and nap with him.
So, I decided to test the waters a bit more at my own house after my fabulous groom the other week. I was clean and smelling great. As soon as I took the long walk from my driveway to the house (she tried a mobile groomer, and we fell in love. I even got an A on my report card), I ran in and jumped on the couch. Yeah, cause you know that walk wore me out. Woof, woof. It was only a few steps, but I’m dramatic.
Ever since that day, I’ve made my way to stay on the couch. Chilling on a blanket and rocking my cute dog sweaters. My little master Equestrian Girl Forever found the bin with some of our old sweaters and jackets. Yeah, DadJonz and MomJonz try to act all hard like they don’t like me or want me to be stylish, but it’s all a front. I have a small bin from a couple of years ago with cute dog sweaters and jackets to wear around the house and to stroll around the block in.
I roll out of bed every morning, run downstairs and patiently wait for my gear of the day. My little master usually grabs the orange jacket seen in the 1st picture for me to go out in first thing. After my quick pee, I run back inside where she takes it off and puts my little sweater on me. Then I jump on the couch (YES! I WON) to finish my slumber.
At this point, two of the three kids are heading out the door.
It’s breakfast time. I’m usually in trouble because I like to pick my kibble out of the bowl and spread it across the living room floor to eat. It drives MomJonz insane. And I love seeing her get all worked up. Yep, she fusses about it every morning. And yep, I look at her like she’s crazy. Then I jump back on the couch and sleep until the youngest little master comes down to bother me. Most days I want to bite her, but I love my home too much to jeopardize it. That’s ok, that’s why I throw her teddy bears all around her room when she leaves for school. She keeps telling MomJonz there’s a ghost in her room. Nope, it’s just me! Payback!!!!!!
Most days I hate when the family wants to dress me up, but it is a bit chilly out there, and these human say it’s better for me to keep a short haircut and wear a sweater or jacket when I go outside. And if I’m honest…it does feel good on those chilly mornings. I don’t mind walking around the yard for a few minutes instead of running out and running right back in thinking my pee will freeze midstream.
Do your humans dress you up? I caught MomJonz looking at some Christmas sweaters for me. Yes, I will grin and wear them cause it makes my humans happy. And these cute dog sweaters get me lots of love from random people wanting to pet me.
Woof! I’m the man!

- FOOD! I Love My Humans When They Feed Me - January 23, 2019
- Follow Carlos On His Adventures - December 19, 2018
- Carlos Rocking His Cute Dog Sweaters and Jackets - October 26, 2018
Carlos your a trip but precious. I think you’ve grown on your humans lol And your definitely loved!
Awesome you now have a spot on the couch, sweaters and attire fit for a king. I think your marvelous!
And I love the cute sweater your human shared too. Cozy, warm and so Christmasy.
I’m going to share your awesomeness on another twitter where all the paw parents and Fur Babies are gonna love ya.