Feeling helpless is often a part of life. It’s not a nice part by any means, but there will always be times when you feel like life is out of your hands and you don’t have control over what’s going on. These times can be sudden and shocking, but they can also be situations that evolve over time and leave you feeling like you’re on the outside of life looking inwards.
That feeling can be hard to deal with and can leave you feeling trapped in it. As a result, the stress you’re dealing with doubles and your mental wellness can feel at an all time low.
But the helpless feeling doesn’t have to stick around. It’s something you can beat back and make a change from. Empowering yourself at a time like this can do wonders for your self esteem, positive outlook on life, and simply the day to day joy we all deserve to feel.
If you need a few tips that’ll help with such a thing right now, check out our list below and see if they can have an effect on your life.
Don’t Keep the Feeling in Your Head
If the helpless feeling has gotten stuck in your head, let it out by talking about it. You don’t need to keep it revolving around up there, and you can even make the thoughts far less powerful by verbalizing them, whether to others or not.
Of course, you may be feeling shame and embarrassment around the fact that you feel this way, but it’s OK to be vulnerable with those you know respect and care for you. If you’re an independent person it can be hard to need to rely on those around you, but sometimes the situation calls for it, and this is one of those situations.
Keeping it bottled up and away from an outside perspective will just make you feel all the more helpless in the long run.
Don’t want to talk it out? Journaling is also a great way to release it from my mind.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Helplessness makes us feel like the chaos of the world is never ending and will be entirely unpredictable. We may feel like we’re stuck in the claws of fate and chance, and that being in charge of your life is just a facade.
At times like this, when the stress is really punishing you, practice a relaxation technique you know works for you. Stop the mounting worry in its tracks and clear your head!
For some this is deep breathing, for others it’s using grounding techniques that force you to focus on the things in your environment, and for some it’s a case of doing a mindful activity.
Look into Therapy
A feeling like helplessness tends to be all encompassing. It can harm every facet of your personal image as well as your mental state, and even make you feel like you’re useless or worthless.
This can very easily lead into conditions such as depression, so it’s important to get on top of thoughts like these as soon as you experience them. Talk to a therapist about where the feelings started, and how feeling like life is out of your control is the basis for it.
Professional support for this kind of low mood is essential for long term mental wellbeing. It’s hard to think yourself out of a situation that thinking got you into in the first place! Turning to a therapist who knows how this kind of mindset works will help you come up with a solution that works for you.
Get Legal Representation
If something serious has happened, whether it be an accident on the road or a hospital emergency, or maybe you tripped in the workplace and damaged something internal, the circumstances could mean you’re eligible for legal representation.
After all, if you were out of your home and it wasn’t your fault, it’s no wonder you’re feeling quite helpless right now! But you can take the power back into your hands by getting a lawyer on the case.
Even taking an uber ride that resulted in a minor collision means you can entail the services of an uber accident lawyer, and many people aren’t aware they have a right to this! Spending time looking into your options could help you to feel empowered in the moment, and that can be a great confidence booster.
Within a Negative Change, Make a Positive One
Replacing a negative change with a positive one is sometimes all you need to feel back on track. If something has happened that’s left you feeling a little helpless and ineffective, making a healthy change you’re totally in control of can retune the association in your mind.
That sometimes means picking up a bad habit and squashing it, but it can also mean adding a new habit to your life, especially one you’ve been wanting to follow for a while. For example, finally getting a dedicated savings account and actually saving some money regularly, or even taking on a fitness routine that gets you out of the house.
Small changes are often the easiest to adjust to, and you don’t want to accidentally overwhelm yourself by assigning a little too much to do. But if you feel replacing this difference in your life with something you do have a choice in will work for you, go ahead and do so.
Feeling Helpless isn’t Something You Have to Put Up with
It’s not something you have to get comfortable with either. It’s the kind of thing you should be able to take in hand and work with. If that’s the kind of thing you’d like more control over right now, make sure you take the points above to heart and try them out.
It’s OK to be uncertain about what the future holds, but the more you worry about how that’ll turn out for you, the less you’re going to live in the moment. You never know what might change, but you can always be sure of how you’ll react to it!

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