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It’s inevitable that you will get old, it’s a fact in life that unfortunately no one can change – maybe one day we hope! You will get old, your children will get old and your relatives will get old, age affects all of us. And when your relatives are getting older, you may need to support them as there will be a lot of things that they are no longer able to do, like they used to. 

Before they may have been able to cook happily and now need support, sadly their partner may have passed to they are starting to feel lonely and there may be a time when they need extra care from a company like Comforting Home Care by Phoebe . If you are finding that your relatives are getting older, here are three ways to look after your relatives when they are getting older. 

Keep them involved 

Many older people find themselves sadly getting left out as they age. If they don’t have a partner who they live with, this can make them feel lonely and bring them down a lot. Make sure you do your best to keep them involved in family activities. Invite them round for dinner and drinks – you are never too old for an espresso martini! Make sure you visit on their birthdays & family members’ children’s birthdays and ensure other family members are keeping them involved too. 

Improve their home safety 

Depending on how old your relatives are getting, they may become less mobile and require aids such as a walking stick or a wheelchair. It may be worth visiting their property and making sure it’s completely safe for them. Remove anything that has sharp edges that they can fall on and check how accessible all the rooms are. If changes are required, they aren’t always very expensive, but even if they are, safety is paramount and non-negotiable. It may be that you need to get a medical professional in at a later date, should bigger changes be needed to their home to help them. 

Exercise with them 

Whether you are a teenager, a young adult, an old adult or a senior, you must be exercising regularly – at least two to three times a week. When you are older, it can be tempting not to exercise, but when you exercise with them, this can act as a motivator. Exercising can help improve blood flow, and increase their muscle strength, which will reduce the chances of them falling over and injuring themselves. Don’t try over-exerting your relatives with high-intensity exercise, instead do something low-intensive that they can easily do. If they enjoy it, they are more likely to exercise when you aren’t with them. 

Are you currently looking after your relatives as they are getting older? What tips would you recommend to someone in a similar position to you? Which of the tips in our guide did you find most useful and interesting? Let us know in the comment box below, we look forward to hearing from you. 

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